Right module tests
Main Page > Development > Development/Functional testing > Development/Functional testing/Rights module tests
(Rights module tests updated 2018-09-27 to conform with AtoM 2.4)
[hide]Add rights
A logged-in User can add one or more rights for an accession, archival description(s) and digital object(s).
- From an existing accession record screen, a logged-in user can click on 'More/Create New Rights' in the button bar at the bottom of the page to bring up a Rights Management edit template
- Can add information on a particular type of right:
- Can select the Rights Basis from a drop-down list (copyright, license, statute, policy, donor; choice will determine available fields for remainder of section)
- Can fill in each field in the remainder of the section via addition of free text or choice from drop-down list (dates, notes, rights holder, documentation identifier)
- Can add a Granted Right to attach to the rights basis:
- Can select Act from drop-down list to add a granted right (delete, discover, display, disseminate, modify, migrate and replicate)
- Can select restriction from drop-down list (allow, conditional, disallow)
- Can enter "start" and "end" dates
- Can select existing names from dynamic list in Rights holder field, or can input new name into field.
- Can enter free text in Rights notes field
- Can add more Granted Rights by clicking on "Add granted right"
- Can click on Save - this will return the User to the Accession Record
- Rights information will appear
- Rights holder (if added) will be a hyperlink to the new or existing rights holder record
- Can click on Cancel - this will return the User to the Accession Records
- No new Rights information will appear
- Can edit or delete rights from the accession record screen (see below)
- Can add new rights from the button bar at the bottom of the accession record screen
Archival description and digital objects
- From an existing archival description record screen, a logged-in user can choose the level of description to which rights are to be added and then click on 'More/Create New Rights' in the button bar at the bottom of the page to bring up a Rights Management edit template
- Can follow same steps as above for adding rights to an accession record
- Rights information will not be visible to an unauthenticated user (not logged in)
Rights inheritance
- From an existing archival description, a logged-in user can click on 'More/Manage rights inheritance' in the button bar at the bottom of the page to bring up Inheritance options screen (not available at the lowest level of description)
- Can choose to apply inheritance to all descendants or only to digital object descendants
- Can choose to overwrite descendant rights with parent rights or to combine descendant rights and parent rights
- Rights information added to parent records should appear according to user choice on relevant child records
- Rights information added to child records should not appear on the parent record(s)
(Updated 2018-09-24 to conform with AtoM 2.4)
A logged-in User can edit one or more rights records for an accession record and archival description(s) including descriptions of digital objects
- User can view inherited/existing Rights records in the Rights area of the view accession record screen and view archival description screen.
- Can view applied rights in the rights area section of the screen
- Cannot view inherited/existing Rights record in the edit archival description screen
- Can edit existing rights by clicking edit (navigates to rights screen) and save or cancel (deletes right without a warning)
- Can click delete to delete existing rights at that level of description
- Changes apply at the chosen level of description and child records of that level depending of choices for managing inheritance
Make Rights Actionable on Digital Objects
A logged-in administrator can set PREMIS access permissions that will be actionable on digital objects.
Navigate to Administer - Settings - Permissions
- Can choose a PREMIS Act on which to base permissions (delete, discover, display, disseminate, migrate, modify, replicate)
- Can set permissions for Allow, Conditional, and Disallow per Basis (copyright, license, statute, policy, donor)
- Can click save to save and implement permissions
- Check that permission for the chosen Act are applied to digital objects for public users
- Can click cancel to return to the original permissions screen
- Can set PREMIS disallow and conditional access statements for each rights basis
- Can enable Copyright statement for Conditional copyrights
- Can edit the Copyright statement
- Can save or cancel to enact the edited statement or return to default statement
- Check that statement appears when public user attempts to download a copyright image with conditional restrictions
- Can save or cancel to enact the edited statement or return to default statement
Manage Rights holders
A logged-in User can manage information about rights holders
- Can select Rights holders from Manage menu
- Can view Browse names of rights holders on the rights holder screen
- Can sort order of rights holder list by alphabetic, identifier, or recent changes
- Can add name into secondary search box and Click on Search rights holder button
- Can click on 'Add new' button at bottom of screen
- Can add information on a new rights holder
- Can choose 'Create' or 'Cancel'
- Can search rights holder screen and click on a rights holder name to open information screen about that rights holder
- Can edit/add information about the rights holder