Releases/Release announcements/Release 1.0.6-beta
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Main Page > Releases > Release announcements > Release 1.0.6-beta
Released April 27th, 2009
Mainly a maintenance release but it did include one new feature,
- Display recent updates to archival descriptions, authority records, archival institutions and terms
Included a number of revisions for improved compliance with ICA standards based on an analysis carried out by the Direction des Archives de France,
- Enhancement: Upgrade ICA-ISAD compliance, issues #2600, #2606, #2607, #2608, #2609, #2610, #2612, #2613, #2664, #2665, and #2666
- Enhancement: Display ICA-ISAD areas of description in show template , issue #2611
- Enhancement: Upgrade ICA-ISDIAH compliance, issues #2619, #2620, #2621, #2622, and #2623
- Enhancement: Upgrade ICA-ISAAR compliance, issues #2614, #2615, #2616, and #2618
Release 1.0.6 also included a number of enhancements and bug fixes,
- Enhancement: Make the static page content field a resizable control
- Enhancement: Use Sentence case for English menu labels, use CSS to style as lowercase where required by designer
- Enhancement: Remove translate menu option since the application will not ship with sample data by default
- Enhancement: Alphabetic sorting in context menu, issue #2490
- Enhancement: Show repository link in search result in multi-repository context
- Enhancement: Route to show template after all edit actions by default
- Enhancement: Ability to edit event objects, issue #2634
- Enhancement: Add pager to repository template for better display of long holdings lists
- Enhancement: Option to set number of pages to show in pager menu
- Enhancement: Style context menu lists
- Enhancement: Merge create, edit and update actions into one action in the core modules
- Fix: repository record not saving names, issue #2677
- Fix: add new generates 404 error, issues #2675 and #2696
- Fix: next link on physical object template, commit 2337
- Fix: relation field not saving on DC template, issue #2683
- Fix: digital upload not working, issue #2682
- Fix: add new name not working, issue #2649
- Fix: data load on Windows XAMPP installation, issue #2653
- Fix: empty Event fields causing 500 error, issue #2680
- Fix: some RAD template fields not saving, issue #2676
- Fix: restrict ability to add new access points to authorized users, issue #2678
- Fix: dublin core template routing, issue #2672
- Fix: add access points in Internet Explorer, issue #2638
- Fix: link to untitled repositories, issue #2628
- Fix: root information object not initialized by installer, issue #2652
- Fix: redirection to installer database configuration on bad SQL, issue #2511