Release 2.1
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Released September ___, 2014
Greetings AtoM Users!
We are pleased to announce that the AtoM 2.1 release is now available for download. You will find the newest release on our Download Page. As always, upgrading instructions can be found in our Administrator's Guide:
- Download AtoM 2.1:
- 2.1 Upgrade guide:
We've closed over 120 issue tickets in the 2.1 release, including bug fixes, usability improvements, and new features. This release also includes some major code contributions from developers in our user community - thank you to all for your contributions! You can get an overview of all the associated tickets in our issue tracking system here: To see the issues organized by Category, click [=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=priority&c[]=subject&c[]=assigned_to&c[]=fixed_version&c[]=category&c[]=cf_5&c[]=start_date&c[]=estimated_hours&c[]=spent_hours&f[]=status_id&f[]=fixed_version_id&f[]=&group_by=category&op[fixed_version_id]=%3D&op[status_id]=*&per_page=100&set_filter=1&utf8=%E2%9C%93&v[fixed_version_id][]=8 this link]. An outline of some of the major changes will be included below.
Our demo site has been upgraded to 2.1 at
Important: Elasticsearch upgrade required for 2.1
With AtoM 2.1, we have upgraded Elasticsearch, AtoM's search and analytical engine, from ES 0.9 to ES 1.3. To install AtoM 2.1, you will first have to upgrade your Elasticsearch installation. You can find more instructions on how to do so in the Elasticsearch documentation:
Note that this upgrade will be what is considered by Elasticsearch to be a "Restart upgrade." You can always try searching for tutorials, or even post in the Elasticsearch User Forum or IRC Channel, if you require assistance - see: for more details.
New: Place and Subjects browse redesign
(Sponsored by Dumbarton Oaks Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives)
- #5434 - "Place" term taxonomy made visible to users for enhanced public browsing
- #5436 - Improve Terms dedicated search box and enable searching for "Use for" labels
In AtoM 2.1, data included on Place and Subject pages such as scope notes, maps, etc, can be made publicly visible, as the elements of the internal Term view page and the public browse page have been integrated. Users are given a treeview of hierarchical terms as well as an alphabetic list and a dedicated search box that can find terms based on All labels, authorized form of name, or "Use for" non-preferred labels.
New: Multilingual usability improvements in AtoM!
(Sponsored by the Canadian Council on Archives)
- #7122 - Display language dropdown menu at top of descriptions to indicate when translated content exists
- #7120 - Alter language facet to display unique documents regardless of culture
A "Unique records" facet will now be the default selection which will display all original (e.g. not translated) descriptions regardless of culture in the Browse pages. Selecting a specific culture will reveal all descriptions in that language - both original and translated. Additionally, when viewing a description, if translations exist, a drop-down menu with the alternate languages listed will appear at the top of the description - click on one, and AtoM will flip the display language of the interface and reveal the translated content.
New: Add alternative and legacy identifiers
(Sponsored by the Australian National University)
- #6107 - Add alternate number field
Now in AtoM, below the identifier field, a link is given to be able to add legacy or alternative identifiers to a description. Users can enter a custom label to clarify the role or status of the identifier (e.g. "Legacy ID") and a value. When saved, the alternative identifiers will appear in the Notes area with the custom label next to them. This will work on EAD import as well - if @type and @label attributes are included with a <unitid> element, and the @type="alternative" they will import and map to the new custom field.
New: Add additional access points to Archival Institutions
(Community code contribution from the University of Saskatchewan's University Archives & Special Collections)
- #5596 - Repository records - additional access points and facet
Two additional access points have been added to the ISDIAH template - Geographic subregion and Thematic area. Akin to a subject access point for repositories, the Thematic area taxonomy has been pre-populated with terms in English and French taken from the Canadian Council on Archives' Directory of Archives Theme terms. All terms are editable or can be deleted by users, just as new terms can be added. These new access points will also be available on the Archival institutions browse page as facets available for filtering results.
Lots of other new features!
Highlights include:
- #6049 - Add converse predicates to ISAAR relationships (automatic bidirectional linking)
- Sponsored by the Australian National University
- #6302 - Description identifier added to search index and browse results for authority records
- Added by Kehan Harnan of Gaia Resources - community pull request
- #3899 - RAD and ISAD area headers added to Visible elements module
- Added by the University of Saskatchewan - community pull request
- #5971 - Add ability to hide Archival history from public view (via Visible elements module)
- Sponsored by the Australian National University
- #6308 - Add a setting to sort by identifier then title and expose it on the relevant browse pages
- Added by Kehan Harnan of Gaia Resources - community pull request
- #6991 - Sort button added to digital object browse page
- Sponsored by the University of the Witswatersrand
- #5977 - Add "Date" field (of creation) to "Add new children" widget option in RAD and ISAD edit templates
- Sponsored by the Australian National University
- #6537 - Add basic search to the physical storage browse page
- Added by Seamus O'Connor of Pneumatic Web - community pull request
- #5435 - Ability to link to related descriptions in AtoM (via an autocomplete beneath the Related materials field) and display link as title of resource
- Sponsored by Dumbarton Oaks
- #7241 - Add columns to the accession browse page for enhanced usability
...and more!
Improvements to the command-line tools and CSV import
Highlights include:
- #6752 Add qubitParentSlug as an option for importing legacy accessions via CSV and linking them to existing descriptions
- Added by Jen Whitney of Carleton University Library - community pull request
- #7247 - Add --index configuration option to the digitalobject:load CLI task
- Added by Edgar Rodriguez of XerCode - community pull request
- #6121 - CSV import - digitalobject:load CLI task can now use identifier.
- #7130 - Add Cast, Credits, and Signatures RAD other notes fields to RAD template and CSV import template
- Added by Seamus O'Conner of Pneumatic Web - community pull request
- #6525 - Add columns for digital object URL and/or filepath to CSV description import templates
- Sponsored by the World Bank Group Archives
- #7108 - improve --output option’s CSV output formatting on import:bulk CLI task
- #6373 - bulk EAD export: add parameter to limit export to top-level descriptions
- Sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan
...and more!
Bug fixes and usability enhancements
Highlights include:
- #6644 - Return simple markup for lists to the free-text fields in descriptive templates
- #6007 - Add full-text search to the Accessions dedicated search box
- Sponsored by the City of Vancouver Archives
- #7136 - Search auto-suggest no longer replaces query in search bar
- #6739 - All series notes will now export when EAD is exported from the fonds-level
- #6047 - CSV imports include publication status
- #5590 and #6225 - related to mobile interfaces.
- #7016 - DIP upload fixes from most recent version of Archivematica (1.2).
... and many more.
The full list of issue tickets associated with the 2.1 releases can be seen here.
We have created a 2.1 documentation branch - currently they are just a mirror of the 2.0 docs, but over the coming weeks we will begin documenting all these exciting changes and new features. You can see the 2.1 branch of our docs here:
We also hope, in the near future, to begin pushing our documentation to Transifex, the service we use for including translations in AtoM, and for translating this website. This will allow our community translation volunteers to begin translating our User and Administrator's Guides if desired! Please expect that the 2.1 documentation branch will be changing significantly in the next months, as we update it to reflect all the changes in AtoM 2.1.
Artefactual also hopes to prepare a 2.1.1 release in a couple months, to include any further interface translations supplied by our volunteer translators via Transifex, as well as any bug fixes we have addressed in the interim. We're also already hard at work on our 2.2 release, which will include a number of exciting features! For more information on 2.1 Translations and how to contribute, see our related User Forum post, here:
Thank you to all our development sponsors, community code contributors, and volunteer translators for making this an amazing release!
Dan and Sarah, on behalf of the team at Artefactual