Releases/Release announcements/Release 1.0.1-beta
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Main Page > Releases > Releases/Release announcements > Release 1.0.1-beta
Released July 22nd, 2008. Users can install from a tarball or check out the latest source code from the Subversion repository. Online demo and downloadable CD are also available
- Enhancement: added compliance with Norma brasileira de decriçào arquivística (NOBRADE) - 1st edition, 2006
- Enhancement: scope note in term edit screen is now multi-value field
- Fix: in archival description, can now edit and delete physical storage information
- Fix: in archival description, can now delete language of material, script of material, language of description, script of description
- Fix: in authority record, data from internal structures/genealogy field no longer duplicated in admin history field
For technical details on changes to the Qubit Open Information Management Toolkit for this release, see commits 1212:1299,