AABC Toolkit: SFU data migration
Main Page > Development > Development/Projects > Development/Projects/AABC Data Migration Toolkit > SFU
This is historical development documentation relating to the AABC Data Migration Toolkit project (2010-2011). It has been migrated here from a now-defunct wiki for reference. The content in this page was first created in December of 2010, and last updated January 3, 2011. This content was migrated to the AtoM wiki in July of 2015. Links have been updated where possible, and some presentation elements may have been to account for style differences between the two wikis. Otherwise, the content is the same. For more information, see the project landing page: AABC Data Migration Toolkit.
SFU AIS Data Mapping
Database: armd__zdata__archives.fp7
Table: FND__Fonds
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplct__fondsRefCode | information_object.identifier | |
fondsTitle__lat | information_object_i18n.title | |
_kflxt__creatorID | event.actor_id | "Creation" event type; link with dates (below) |
dateRange__lat | event.date | "Creation" event type |
startYear__lxn | event.start_date | "Creation" event type |
endYear__lxn | event.end_date | "Creation" event type |
See note | information_object.level_of_description_id | All rows are "fonds" (id: 184) level |
ExtentAll_lct | information_object_i18n.extent_and_medium | |
See notes | information_object.repository_id | Link to pre-populated SFU repository record |
RADNoteSourceAcquisition__lxt | information_object_i18n.acquisition | |
scopeContent__lxt | information_object_i18n.scope_and_content | |
RADNoteAccruals__lxt | information_object_i18n.accruals | |
RADNoteArrangement__lxt | information_object_i18n.arrangement | |
RADNoteRestrictions__lxt | information_object_i18n.access_conditions | |
RADNoteFindingAids__lxt | information_object_i18n.finding_aids | |
RADNoteRelatedMaterial__lxt | information_object_i18n.related_units_of_description | |
RADNoteOther__lxt | note.i18n | "General note" (type_id: 125) |
_kflxt__descriptionID | information_object.description_identifier | Use as primary key for source (keymap.source_id) |
recordStatus__lat | information_object.description_status_id | |
see notes | information_object.description_detail_id | Set to "Full" for all Fonds-level descriptions |
faPreparedBy__lxt | notes.i18n | "Archivist's note" (type_id: 124) |
faFinancialAssistance__lxt | notes.i18n | "Archivist's note" (type_id: 124) |
Table: SRS__Series
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplct__seriesRefCode | information_object.identifier | |
_kfuct__parentID | information_object.parent_id | |
seriesTitle__lat | information_object_i18n.title | |
_kflxt__creatorID | event.actor_id | "Creation" event type; link with dates (below) |
dateRange__lat | event.date | "Creation" event type |
startYear__lxn | event.start_date | "Creation" event type |
endYear__lxn | event.end_date | "Creation" event type |
levelDescription__lct | information_object.level_of_description_id | |
ExtentAll_lct | information_object_i18n.extent_and_medium | |
See notes | information_object.repository_id | Link to pre-populated SFU repository record |
RADNoteSourceAcquisition__lxt | information_object_i18n.acquisition | |
scopeContent__lxt | information_object_i18n.scope_and_content | |
RADNoteAccruals__lxt | information_object_i18n.accruals | |
RADNoteArrangement__lxt | information_object_i18n.arrangement | |
RADNoteRestrictions__lxt | information_object_i18n.access_conditions | |
RADNoteFindingAids__lxt | information_object_i18n.finding_aids | |
RADNoteRelatedMaterial__lxt | information_object_i18n.related_units_of_description | |
RADNoteOther__lxt | note.i18n | "General note" (type_id: 125) |
_kflxt__descriptionID | information_object.description_identifier | Use as primary key for source (keymap.source_id) |
recordStatus__lat | information_object.description_status_id | |
findingAidIncludeFlag__lat | information_object.description_detail_id | "Full" if flag is "Yes", "Partial" otherwise |
Table: FLE__File
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplct__fileRefCode | information_object.identifier | |
_kfuct__parentID | information_object.parent_id | |
fileTitle__lat | information_object_i18n.title | |
_kflxt__creatorID | event.actor_id | "Creation" event type; link with dates (below) |
dateRange__lat | event.date | "Creation" event type |
startYear__lan | event.start_date | "Creation" event type |
endYear__lan | event.end_date | "Creation" event type |
See note | information_object.level_of_description_id | All rows are "file" (id: 189) level |
scopeContent__lxt | information_object_i18n.scope_and_content | |
accessStatus__lat | information_object_i18n.access_conditions | |
RADNotes__lxt | note.i18n | "General note" (type_id: 125) |
_kflxt__descriptionID | information_object.description_identifier | Use as primary key for source (keymap.source_id) |
recordStatus__lat | information_object.description_status_id |
Table: ITM__Item
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplct__itemRefCode | information_object.identifier | |
_kfuct__parentID | information_object.parent_id | |
itemTitle__lat | information_object_i18n.title | |
_kflxt__creatorID | event.actor_id | "Creation" event type; link with dates (below) |
dateRange__lat | event.date | "Creation" event type |
startYear__lan | event.start_date | "Creation" event type |
endYear__lan | event.end_date | "Creation" event type |
See note | information_object.level_of_description_id | All rows are "item" (id: 189) level |
scopeContent__lxt | information_object_i18n.scope_and_content | |
accessStatus__lat | information_object_i18n.access_conditions | |
RADNotes__lxt | note.i18n | "General note" (type_id: 125) |
_kflxt__descriptionID | information_object.description_identifier | Use as primary key for source (keymap.source_id) |
recordStatus__lat | information_object.description_status_id |
Table: ACP__AccessPoint
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplat__accessPointID | keymap.source_id | |
_kflxt__termID | object_term_relation.term_id (Subject) relation.object_id (Name) event.actor_id (Custodian) event.actor_id (Collector) |
_kflxt__descriptionID | object_term_relation.object_id (Subject) relation.subject_id (Name) event.information_object_id (Custodian) event.information_object_id (Collector) |
Database: armd__zdata__authoritycontrol.fp7
Table: CORP__CorporateBody
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kflxt__termID | actor.description_identifier | Also used as primary key (source) in keymap table |
nameList__lxt | actor_i18n.authorized_form_of_name | |
legalNumber__lxt | actor.corporate_body_identifiers | |
dateExistence__lat | actor_i18n.dates_of_existence | |
adminHistory__lxt | actor_i18n.history | |
location__lxt | actor_i18n.places | |
legalFramework__lxt | actor_i18n.legal_status | |
mandateFunctions__lxt | actor_i18n.functions | |
legalAuthorities__lxt | actor_i18n.mandates | |
adminStructure__lxt | actor_i18n.internal_structures | |
otherInfo__lxt | actor_i18n.general_context | |
sources__lxt | actor_i18n.sources |
Table: FAM__Family
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
nameList__lxt | actor_i18n.authorized_form_of_name | |
dateExistence__lat | actor_i18n.dates_of_existence | |
familyHistory__lxt | actor_i18n.history | |
residence__lxt | actor_i18n.places | |
activities__lxt | actor_i18n.functions | |
otherInfo__lxt | actor_i18n.general_context | |
sources__lxt | actor_i18n.sources | |
_kflxt__termID | actor.description_identifier | Also used as primary key (source) in keymap table |
Table: PER__Person
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
nameList__lxt | actor_i18n.authorized_form_of_name | |
dateExistenceDates__lat | actor_i18n.dates_of_existence | |
familyHistory__lxt | actor_i18n.history | |
residence__lxt | actor_i18n.places | |
activities__lxt | actor_i18n.functions | Concatenation of "activities__lxt" and "occupations__lxt" |
occupations__lxt | actor_i18n.functions | Concatenation of "activities__lxt" and "occupations__lxt" |
otherInfo__lxt | actor_i18n.general_context | |
sources__lxt | actor_i18n.sources | |
_kflxt__termID | actor.description_identifier | Also used as primary key (source) in keymap table |
Table: NME__Name
Alternate forms of name. We are only migrating "Previous form of name".
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplat__nameID | keymap.source_id | primary key |
_kflxt__termID | other_name.object_id | |
startYear__lan | other_name.start_date | |
endYear__lan | other_name.end_date | |
name__lxt | other_name_i18n.name | |
effectiveDateRange__lat | other_name_i18n.dates |
Table: RLT__RelatedTerm
The SFU data uses two reciprocal rows to describe (most) term relations with a different predicate for each. For the migration only the first relation is used (the row with the smallest "_kplat__relatedTermID") and a concatenate string is used to create a subject-predicate-object descriptive statement.
Source column | Dest. column | Notes |
_kplat__relatedTermID | keymap.source_id | primary key |
__kflxt__term1ID | relation.subject_id | |
__kflxt__term2ID | relation.object_id | |
startFormattedDates__lct | relation.start_date | |
endFormattedDates__lct | relation.end_date | |
datesFull__lct | relation_i18n.date | |
See notes | relation_i18n.description | Concatenate of term1Name__lat (subject) + relation__lxt (predicate) + term2Name__lat (object) |
SFU system documentation
2010-Dec-10 meeting
Present: David (Artefactual), Richard and Paul (SFU Archives).
Archival descriptions
- Richard to add "parent_id" field to FMPro to facilitate migration
- Series table self-relates?
- Yes. Capped at three levels - series, sub-series and sub-sub-series. All three levels are included in SFU 6-place hierarchical numbering system (e.g. "F-202-1-0-0-2-118")
- Gap: RetrievalDescription table?
- Used for physical access control. Not migrating in pilot.
- Gap: Holding table?
- Used for records management. Not migrating in pilot.
- Will calc Level of Description in FMPro during migration
- File::accessStatus__lat, Item::accessStatus__lat - gap in workflow (controlled vocab, default status to "pending review")
- Can implement SFU vocab via taxonomy and migrate directly (no mapping)
- For pilot default status will be migrated from system. May still be a workflow gap in the future if all descriptions are entered via ICA-AtoM.
- RADNoteOther - keep as a single "blob" (don't break field by headers).
- AccessPoint::heading__lxt
- Add RAD GMD terms to "subject" taxonomy to replicate existing usage as subject access points
- Ignore qualifier for amount of materials for pilot.
- Officers are a special name access point relation
- Description A -> corporation Acme -> officer Andy
- Officers must be listed in description A to be included in access points according to RAD
- Migrate officer (Andy) as name access point for Description A
- Migrate corporation Acme as authority record linked to Description A
- In migration, concatenate list of officers of corporation Acme to the "Admin history" field for corporation Acme
- Institution identifier & Rules or conventions - not necessary to create a field in FMPro, will set during tranform
- *::recordStatus__lat
- duplicate SFU vocab in ICA-AtoM taxonomy
- Don't migrate "superseded" or "obsolete" descriptions for pilot.
- ::recordStatus__lat - workflow gap "set to 'Provisional' on creation. Not a concern for pilot.
- Language & script of description - set in migration tool
- Fonds::faPreparedBy__lxt - store in "Date of creation, revision & deletion"?
- Fonds::faFinancialAssistance__lxt - migrate to General note field for now, no better mapping in RAD.
- Don't migrate version history
Authority records
- Type of entity - set during transform
- Authorized form of name - Richard will create a separate field for Persons in FMPro to get name in "Last, First" format. Migrate this name instead of "authorized form"
- Other name - just migrate previous titles (have previousTitleFlag__lct flagged)
- Most of fields not used, and have inconsistent data, so we will not migrate
- Migrate all identity area
- Migrate dates and history from description area
- Don't migrate rest of authority record data
- Relations
- SFU will map SFU entity relation terms to ISAAR terms (hierarchical, family, temporal, associative)
- Use SFU relation term to generate descriptive text for relation "e.g. Corp A supervises Corp B".
- SFU relations are contextual (e.g. parent Person A/ parent of Person B), will make generic for ICA-Atom (e.g. Person A parent of Person B).
Online finding aids
- e.g. Online finding aids: http://www.sfu.ca/archives2/F-3/F-3.html