BCAUL Pilot project: Activities and deliverables

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Abbreviations (a check-mark indicates that a project partner is involved in that activity):

  • AABC = Archives Association of British Columbia
  • ART = Artefactual Systems Inc.
  • CCA = Canadian Council of Archives
  • LAC = Library and Archives Canada
  • SFU = Simon Fraser University (Library / Archives / Gallery)
  • UVic = University of Victoria Archives


For more information about each project partner, and the contributions each made to the project, see the BCAUL Pilot project: Overview page.

Activities and deliverables


Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Timelines / status
Review descriptive and metadata standards: ISAD(G), EAD, MARC, RAD, RAD2, MODS, METS, DC, CDWA, DACS. Checkbox.gif   Checkbox.gif         Ongoing
Prepare standards crosswalks. Checkbox.gif   Checkbox.gif       Crosswalks: Aug/Sep 2008: in progress
Identify elements for additional ICA-AtoM templates: RAD, works of art, artefacts, exhibitions. Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif       Mock-ups: Aug/Sep 2008: in progress
Identify BC archival community's capacities (re: use of descriptive databases) and training requirements.   Checkbox.gif         [Survey, report?]  

Analyze systems

Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Timelines / status
Map ICA-AtoM to standards crosswalk Checkbox.gif           Maps: Sep/Oct 2008: in progress
Map source databases (BCAUL, SFU) to standards crosswalks. Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif       Maps:
  • BCAUL to MARC21
  • SFU AIS to EAD (export implementation)
Sep/Oct 2008
Develop automated methods for exporting data from source databases. Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif       Export scripts:
Sep/Oct 2008
Develop automated methods for importing data into ICA-AtoM. Checkbox.gif           Qubit templates, actions, methods. Oct/Nov 2008

Install ICA-AtoM applications

Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Status
Install ICA-AtoM at Artefactual themed to BCAUL Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif         ICA-AtoM installed Oct/Nov 2008
Install ICA-AtoM at SFU themed to SFU Checkbox.gif   Checkbox.gif       ICA-AtoM installed Oct/Nov 2008
Install ICA-AtoM at LAC themed to Archives Canada? Checkbox.gif       Checkbox.gif   ICA-AtoM installed Oct/Nov 2008

Migrate data

Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Status
Import sample BCAUL test data into ICA-AtoM, review, identify bugs and fixes, migrate full BCAUL data. Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif         BCAUL data migrated. Nov 2008
Import sample SFU test data into ICA-AtoM, review, identify bugs and fixes, migrate full SFU data.     Checkbox.gif       SFU data migrated Nov 2008
Migrate sample LAC data?         Checkbox.gif      

Test ICA-AtoM

Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Status
Develop list of use cases. Eg: Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
**Test import of new descriptions Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif          
**Test import of revised descriptions Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif          
**Test harvesting of new / revised descriptions Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif     Checkbox.gif      
**Test import of images Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif        
**Test search functionality Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
**Test direct data entry Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
**Test output functionality (reports, printing, export) Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
Identify software bugs, issues, requirements Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      

Develop training material

Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Status
Provide staff user training Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
Provide researcher user training     Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif        
Develop customized end-user documentation Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif        

Administer project and report

Activities ART AABC SFU UVic LAC CCA Deliverables Status
Liaise with project partners Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
Develop and revise communication plan Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif      
Evaluate project results (report) Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif Checkbox.gif