Translation tests
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Main Page > Development > Functional testing > Translation tests
Translated Interface
- All public and authenticated users should be able to select language(s) from the list. If a language is missing. User must have administrator privileges and go to Admin menu > settings> Il8n languages > add language from drop-down list.
- Static welcome page should be in the language corresponding to user selection.
- All interface menus and labels should be in the language corresponding to user selection.
- Select browse menu and check that all labels are translated.
- Select Advanced Search and check labels and text fields.
- Archival descriptions view page should have all labels translated.
- Authority records view page should have all labels translated.
- Repository view page should have all labels translated.
- Functions view page should have all labels translated. User can click on function to view its information in translation.
- Subjects view page should have all labels translated. User can click on subject to view its information in translation.
- Places view page should have all labels translated. User can click on place to view its information in translation.
- Digital objects view page should have all labels translated.
- User can click on digital object and go to view archival description screen. All labels and menus should be translated.
- Authorized users and Administrators should be able to do the following:
- Log-in page is translated
- Menu bar should be translated.
- Under Add > all terms should be translated.
- Under Manage > all terms should be translated.
- Under Import > all terms are the same XML and CSV.
- Under Admin > all terms should be translated.
- Accession record edit template should have all labels and text fields translated.
- Add Archival description. Area labels should be translated. Data field labels should be translated. Drop-down terms should be translated.
- Tooltips for archival description should be translated.
- Add Authority records. Area labels should be translated. Issue 2168 Data field labels should be translated.